I'll meet Leo, Peter and Sharon at Stills at 1.30 and then we'll make our way to South Queensferry as soon as we can.
We have a nice high pressure weather system on us, which usually brings settled weather, and cold temperatures. As it gets darker, the bridge will light up and make a good colour contrast between the warm tungsten light on the red bridge, and the blue of the sky. We may even have some high alto-cirrus cloud for added attraction.
The main decision of the day is likely to be where to photograph the bridge from (assuming that's what we want to do.) This will depend to a great extent, on how wide your lenses are. With a very wide lens you can be close to the bridge, and the distorting effect of the lens can introduce some dramatic spatial effects, as well as allowing you to include all of the bridge and some sky and water too.
With less wide lenses, you would need to be further away, and achieve images that have a similar perspective to our own vision.
Also we need to consider whether to be looking west or east - it seems a simple enough choice, but it can be very committing.
You might think that the bridge has been photographed once or twice before, and you would be right. But that's no reason not to give it a go. Richard Misrach lives in a house that overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge in California, and photographed it over the course of a year from exactly the same spot. The results are so varied, that when I looked through the book the first time, I didn't realise that it was the same view! Maybe that says something about me though.